The awards will be open for submissions on March 5, 2025. The deadline will be Friday, April 4, 2025 at midnight.

Atlantic Journalism Awards 2024 – Medalists


Breaking News

GOLD: “Out of Control: The Barrington Lake Wildfire”, Tina Comeau and Kathy Johnson, Tri-County Vanguard, Yarmouth, NS (May, June, July 2023)
SILVER: “Yelling and Shoving: Over 300 protesters and counter protestors rally about gender in Charlottetown”, Logan MacLean and Tristan Hood, The Guardian, Charlottetown, PEI (Sept. 20, 2023)
BRONZE: “Storm Dumps 200mm of Rain on the Region”, Keith Corcoran, Lighthouse Now, Bridgewater, NS (Jul. 26, 2023)


GOLD: “At The Crossroads”, Jon Tattrie, Atlantic Books Today, Halifax, NS (Spring 2023)
SILVER: “Made Right Here”, Steve Smith, Saltscapes Magazine, Pictou, NS (February 2023)
BRONZE: “ASJ Summer Cover”, Josée Morin, Atlantic Salmon Journal, Chamcook, NB (Jun. 15, 2023)

Editorial Cartooning (there was only one entry in this category)

GOLD: Bruce MacKinnon (body of work), The Chronicle Herald, Halifax, NS

Enterprise Reporting

GOLD: “Dollarama Stores Sell Bread, Unless There’s a Sobeys Nearby”, Suzanne Rent, The Halifax Examiner, Halifax, NS (Sept. 5, 2023)
SILVER: “Who’s Going to Believe Me?”, Lindsay Jones, The Walrus, Toronto, ON (2023)
BRONZE: “Elvers”, Aaron Beswick, The Chronicle Herald, Halifax, NS (May 10, 2023)

Short Feature (<1,500 words)

GOLD: “P.E.I. Couple Shares one Final Kiss Before Medically Assisted Death”, Dave Stewart, The Guardian, Charlottetown, PEI (Jan. 4, 2023)
SILVER: “Death of the Last Springhill Miner”, Michael MacDonald, The Canadian Press, Halifax, NS (Aug. 1, 2023)
BRONZE: “Fresh Start Turns Sour”, Thinh Nguyen, The Guardian, Charlottetown, PEI (Jul. 1, 2023)

Long Feature (>1,500 words)

GOLD: “A Hospital’s Mistake”, Lindsay Jones, The Globe and Mail, Toronto, ON (Feb. 10, 2023)
SILVER: “Dying in Cumberland”, Aaron Beswick, Chronicle Herald, Halifax, NS (Jan. 8, 2023)
BRONZE: “A Tale of Two Coasts: How Canada’s Approach to Fish Farming Differs from East to West”, Cloe Logan, Canada's National Observer, Vancouver, BC (Oct. 10, 2023)

Photojournalism News

GOLD: “House Engulfed”, Keith Gosse, The Telegram, St. John’s, NL (Oct. 31, 2023)
SILVER: “Championship Comeback”, Kevin Barrett, Telegraph-Journal, Saint John, NB (Aug. 26, 2023)
BRONZE: “Communities in Conflict”, Tania Heath, The Independent, St. John’s, NL (May 23, 2023)

Photojournalism Feature (the judges selected only one finalist in this category)

GOLD: “Summer Splish Splash”, Keith Gosse, The Telegram, St. John’s, NL (Jun. 30, 2023)


GOLD: “The Evolution of Carrie Low”, Tim Bousquet, Halifax Examiner, Halifax, NS (Aug. 4, 2023)
SILVER: “A Publisher's Storied Life”, Jeff Davies, Saltscapes, Pictou, NS (Aug/ Sept. 2023)
BRONZE: “Randy and Mark: The Dynamic Duo.”, Tina Comeau, Tri-County Vanguard, Yarmouth, NS (Mar. 8, 2023)


Breaking News

GOLD: “Minister Dorothy Shephard Resigns”, Jacques Poitras, Danielle McCreadie, and Vanessa Vander Valk, CBC NB, Fredericton, NB (Jun. 15, 2023)
SILVER: “Fire at A1 Automotive”, Richard Duggan, VOCM, St. John’s, NL (May 5, 2023)
BRONZE: “Tantallon Wildfires”, Dan Ahlstrand, CityNews Halifax, Halifax, NS (May 28, 2023)

Documentary Program

GOLD: “Tons Love, Doug”, Erin Moore and Alison Cook, CBC Sunday Magazine, Halifax, NS (Nov. 12, 2023)
SILVER: “Inclusion, Cup by Cup”, Maeve McFadden and Lindsay Bird, Atlantic Voice, CBC Atlantic, St. John’s, NL (Jun. 11, 2023)
BRONZE: “Sea Change”, Caroline Hillier, What on Earth, CBC NL, St. John’s, NL (Mar. 19, 2023)

Enterprise Reporting

GOLD: “Tent City for Change”, Justin Brake, The Independent, St. John’s, NL (Dec. 27, 2023)
SILVER: “Nova Scotia Schools Remove the Hate U Give from Curriculums”, Portia Clark, CBC News, Halifax, NS (Sept. 19, 2023 / Nov. 19, 2023)
BRONZE: “The Loss of the Titan Submersible”, by VOCM News team, St. John’s, NL (Jun. 23, 2023)


GOLD: “How to Live When You are Leaving”, Myfanwy Davies, Atlantic Voice, CBC, St. John’s NL (Sep. 10, 2023)
SILVER: “Sunflower Duo”, Caroline Hillier, Sunday Magazine, CBC NL, St. John’s, NL (Feb. 26, 2023)
BRONZE: “A Change of Heart”, Sarah Blackmore, CBC NL, St. John’s, NL (2023)

Information Program

GOLD: “Tantallon Wildfires”, Todd Veinotte, The Todd Veinotte Show, CityNews, Halifax, NS (May 29, 2023)
SILVER: “Доброго вечора. Ми з України / We are from Ukraine”, Nataliia Bortsova, CHMR-FM, St. John’s, NL (Nov. 20, 2023)
SILVER: “Spécial inondations”, Marc Babin, Mark Doiron, Lisa Revil, François Pierre Dufault and Julie Sicot, Le Réveil Nouvelle-Écosse / Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, Radio- Canada Acadie (July 24, 2023)

Newscast (radio)

GOLD: “8:00 AM Newscast: Maine Mass Shooting”, Dan Ahlstrand, CityNews, Halifax, NS (Oct. 23, 2023)
SILVER: “VOCM At Noon: Loss of the OceanGate Submersible Titan”, Brian Madore and the VOCM News Team, St. John’s, NL (Jun. 19, 2023)
BRONZE: “7:30 AM News: Fire at City Hall, Maine Manhunt”, Tara Clow, 91.9 The Bend News, Moncton, NB (Oct. 27, 2023)
BRONZE: “Bulletin radio 3 novembre 2023 - ICI Première: l'annonce par Blaine Higgs comme quoi il n'y aurait pas d'élections anticipées au N.-B.”, Luc Lapointe, Radio- Canada Acadie, N-B (Nov. 3, 2023)


Breaking News

GOLD: “Fermeture de Deux Foyers de Soins Spéciaux au N.-B.”, Michèle Brideau, Le Téléjournal 22h, Radio-Canada Acadie, N-B (Jan. 18, 2023)
SILVER: “Tragedy in Fleur de Lys”, Ben Cleary, NTV News, St. John’s, NL (Nov. 13, 2023)
BRONZE: “Mi'kmaw Lobster Theft”, Angel Moore, APTN News, Halifax, NS (Aug. 4, 2023)

Enterprise Reporting

GOLD: “Les Bleuetières Engloutissent la Forêt dans la Péninsule Acadienne”, Louis- Philippe Trozzo, Le Téléjournal Acadie, Radio-Canada Acadie, N-B (Nov. 9, 2023)
SILVER: “NCNS Identity Fraud”, Angel Moore, APTN National News, Halifax, NS (Oct. 19, 2023)
BRONZE: “Asylum Seekers in New Brunswick Struggling to Find Answers”, Alexandre Silberman and Pierre Fournier, CBC News, NB (May 8, 2023)


GOLD: “Boonie's Trees”, Terry Roberts, Ted Dillon and Darryl Murphy, Here & Now, CBC NL. St. John’s, NL (Dec. 21, 2023)
SILVER: “PEI Seniors Go Cruising”, Steve Bruce and Kirk Pennell, Compass, CBC P.E.I., Charlottetown, PEI (Apr. 20, 2023)
BRONZE: “New Plate Special”, Amy Smith, Emma Davie, David Laughlin, and Brian MacKay, CBC NS, Halifax, NS (Oct/Nov, 2023)

Newscast (television)

GOLD: “CBC News Nova Scotia”, David Squires, Halifax, NS (May 29, 2023)
SILVER: “Le Téléjournal Acadie”, Équipe du Téléjournal Acadie, Radio-Canada Acadie, N-B (Sep. 20, 2023)
BRONZE: “Compass”, Tracy Lightfoot, CBC P.E.I., Charlottetown, PEI (May 1, 2023)

Video Journalism

GOLD: Gabrielle Drumond for Le Téléjournal, Radio-Canada Acadie, N-B (Jan. 1-28, Feb. 2-15, Mar. 3-7, 2023)
SILVER: Marykate O'Neill for “Talk of the Tiny Towns: Series of Work” for NTV News, St. John’s, NL (Jul. 6, Jul. 20, Aug. 3, 2023)


Arts & Entertainment Reporting and Writing

GOLD: “Portraits of an Artist”, Mark Leger, [EDIT] Magazine, Saint John, NB (December 2023)
SILVER: “The Weight of Words”, Sara Swain, The Independent, St. John’s, NL (Feb. 10, 2023)
BRONZE: “Sons of Membertou: A New Gathering”, Wendy Bergfeldt, Atlantic Voice, CBC Cape Breton, Sydney, NS (Dec. 3, 2023)

Business Reporting and Writing

GOLD: “Seasplainer: How Climate Change is Threatening our Fisheries”, Jenn Thornhill Verma and Leila Beaudoin, The Independent, St. John’s, NL (May, July, and November 2023)
SILVER: “Couverture de la transition chez UNI Coopération financière”, Moncton Newsroom, Radio-Canada Acadie, N-B (March to December 2023)
BRONZE: “Superyachts Sell Ice-cream”, Crystal Murray, Saltscapes Magazine, Pictou, NS (April 2023)

Civic Affairs Reporting and Writing

GOLD: “In the Cold: St. Stephen Declares State of Emergency over Homelessness”, Andrew Bates and Barbara Simpson, Telegraph-Journal, Saint John, NB (Dec. 4-9, 2023)
SILVER: “Homelessness, Winter Cold and Tent Encampments”, Logan MacLean, The Guardian, Charlottetown, PEI (Jan. 26, 2023; Feb. 6, 2023; May 13, 2023)
BRONZE: “La Chicane entre Voisins qui n’en Finit pas à l’Î.-P-.É.”, Laurent Rigaux, Radio-Canada Acadie, N-B (Nov. 8, 2023)


GOLD: “Justice Denied: Glen Assoun has Died”, Tim Bousquet, Halifax Examiner, Halifax, NS (Jun.16, 2023)
SILVER: “Haters will Never Win”, Paul MacNeill, Eastern Graphic, Montague, PEI (Mar. 1, 2023)
BRONZE: “Province Procrastinates on Protected Areas”, Juanita Mercer, The St. John’s Telegram, St. John’s, NL (Feb. 27, 2023)

Climate Action Reporting and Writing

GOLD: “Bury Me Naked: Green Burials in Canada”, Caroline Hillier, What on Earth, CBC NL, St. John’s, NL (Nov. 26, 2023)
SILVER: “La Déforestation dans la Péninsule Acadienne”, Louis-Philippe Trozzo and René Landry, Radio-Canada Acadie, NB (Nov. 9, 2023; Nov. 10, 2023)
SILVER: “Nova Scotia Flooding”, Michael Tutton, The Canadian Press, Halifax, NS (July to August 2023)

Indigenous Affairs Reporting and Writing

GOLD: “Des Autochtones défient la loi pour vendre du cannabis au centre-ville de Moncton”, Louis-Philippe Trozzo, Radio-Canada Acadie, N-B (Sep. 7, 2023)
SILVER: “Newfoundland and Labrador Apologizes to Residential School Survivors”, Beth Penney, NTV News, St. John’s, NL (Nov. 3, 2023)
BRONZE: “Decades Later, a Residential School Survivor Still Reflects on Those Who Vanished”, Tehosterihens Deer, CBC NS, Halifax, NS (Jun. 21, 2023)

Legal Affairs Reporting and Writing

GOLD: “A Fatal Night Out in Halifax”, Lindsey Jones and Colin Freeze, The Globe and Mail, Toronto, ON (Sep. 9, 2023)
SILVER: “Witness Protection and Retroactive Publication Ban”, Tim Bousquet, Halifax Examiner, Halifax, NS (Nov. 28, 2023)
BRONZE: “Justice for Dad”, Tara Bradbury, The St. John’s Telegram, St. John’s, NS (Mar. 23, 2023; Jun. 13, 2023)
BRONZE: “When the System Fails”, Karissa Donkin, CBC News NB, New Brunswick (Jun. 23, 2023)

Social Justice Reporting and Writing

GOLD: “Sheltered”, Ariana Kelland, Rob Antle, and Katie Breen, CBC News NL (investigative unit), St. John’s, Newfoundland (Oct. 19, 2023; Nov.16, 2023; Nov. 27, 2023)
SILVER: “Searching for Healing in Africville”, Ameeta Vohra, Saltscapes Magazine, Pictou, NS (February/March 2023)
BRONZE: “Inside the walls of HMP”, The St. John’s Telegram team, St. John’s, NL (Nov. 30 - Dec. 9, 2023)

Sports Reporting and Writing

GOLD: “To the Moon”, David Irish, Lindsay Bird, Emma Smith, CBC Atlantic Voice, St. John’s, NL (Apr. 16, 2023)
SILVER: “Amanda Tries Sports”, Amanda Gear, Here and Now, CBC NL, CBC East Coast, CBC Indigenous, CBC Sports, St. John’s, NL (Jul. 17, 2023; Sep. 22, 2023)
BRONZE: “A Banner Day: 51 Years Later”, Tina Comeau, Tri-County Vanguard, Yarmouth, NS (Oct. 25, 2023)

Jim MacNeill New Journalist Award

GOLD: Sam Farley, CBC NB, Fredericton, NB (body of work)
SILVER: Logan MacLean, The Guardian, Charlottetown, PEI (body of work)
SILVER: Jenna Head, The St. John’s Telegram, St. John’s, NL (body of work)

Student Awards

GOLD: “Moving Metro”, Student Class Project, The Kicker, College of the North Atlantic, St. John’s, NL (June 2023)
SILVER: “The Best People Die”, Angela Capobianco, The Dalhousie Gazette, Halifax, NS (April 4, 2023)

AJA Hall of Fame Award

Pierre Richard, Radio-Canada Acadie, Moncton, NB

AJAs Announces 2023 Award Winners

(April 21, 2023) Gold and Silver winners of the 2023 Atlantic Journalism Awards were announced last night during events held at College of the North Atlantic (St. John’s, NL); University of King’s College (Halifax, NS) and St. Thomas University (Fredericton, NB).

The awards ceremonies were recorded and will be broadcast on Eastlink Community TV at 10 PM AT every Thursday during May 2023 (May 4, 11, 18 and 25). The program will also be available through Eastlink On Demand.

Click here to see the full list of award winners.

AJAs thanks the volunteers who judged the 2023 awards

(April 20, 2023) The Atlantic Journalism Board of Directors would like to thank all of the judges who generously donated their time to select this year’s honorees. Click here to see the full list of judges.

About the Atlantic Journalism Awards:

Founded in 1981, the Atlantic Journalism Awards Corporation is a non-profit federally incorporated charitable organization governed by a volunteer Board of Directors representing various media outlets across the region. Our primary objective is to encourage and reward exceptional journalistic effort.

For more information:

Crystal Murray
Chair of the Board
